AI Tectonics _ Small / Medium / Large / Extra-Large

 Small / Medium / Large / Extra-Large

This is an examination of the latent potentials in form finding and material morphologies using AI. The concept is to begin with a small abstraction or sculpture and use artificial intelligence to add assemblage information to the base sculpture to transform it into a house and even greater scales using the same tectonic language.

The base sculpture, like a seed has within its design logic elements of expression and dynamism. As a sculpture it is expressed as an aerodynamic body with curves, angles, pleating, torquing, and envelope cavities. These properties are inherent in shelter with many variations and conditions to adapt and respond, based on location and site restraints. Next stage in the process is adding material logic and references to shelter. This includes windows and openings to leap from sculpture to a small house, with aesthetic results like its original desired effect.

The AI is able to interpret the desired effect and produce interesting results or impressions of an architecture. Now scaling the aesthetic to different use cases would include, communicating to the AI a large increase in size with additional properties. The purpose of this is to maintain a design aesthetic signature throughout the process known to the designer’s input. From here, the micro house becomes a scalable house or multi-purpose building. 

Extra-Large is important in the process of scalable information and aesthetic sensibilities carried over from micro to macro. The curvatures from the house are developed for a two-story building with layered effects and torque like vectors in its shape and impression. From here the leap to a stadium, though different criteria, however the design language of layers, cavities, and envelopes are consistent. This consistency in design aesthetics and architectural gestures is of importance when using AI as a design tool for the architectural profession, maintaining a consistency with previous projects.  It is obvious that AI produces alien results and interpretations, but for design, it must be oriented to designers’ command and sensibilities. 


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